Grand Birthday Chorus


***Edition on 13.06, according to Haachama's announcement of hiatus
We are team WWS Haato, focusing on Haato projects gathering fans all over the world!
As you probably have been informed, Haachama announced an indefinite hiatus on 12.06 at night (in Japan). Nonetheless, we decided to keep supporting her with a birthday gift to cheer her up!
We are going to make a Music Video (MV) with an original birthday song, so participants can join us in two different ways, providing singing voice files and MV materials.
You can participate in both parts of the project!  

Music Preview

Project Intro


Both MV and Singing submissions will remain opened until 20th, July, 2021, 04:00(UTC).
Extension would be made depending on the real situations, but we promise, the deadline will never be shifted earlier than scheduled.

Submission Procedure

Singing Submission

  1. Record your singing voice of the fan chorus part from our original song. Here are the lyrics.
  2. Listening to the guided vocal (choose any file you prefer) with earphones while singing is strongly recommended.
  3. If you have confidence in your singing skills, please also try the harmony as well!
  4. Do NOT include our guided vocal in the record, we need ONLY your vocal.
  5. Submit your voice file here and fill out the form.

Submission Selection


We reserve the right to exclude any submissions with inappropriate contents and to edit/reproduce your files for this project.
This is 100% fan work and will NOT be monetized.

Contact Information

All staffs are available in the Discord server
Please consider Discord as your preferred contact platform
  1. Discord:

    Leo Hsieh#0227

    Time Zone:

    UTC +8


    Chinese, English & Japanese(with typo)
  2. Discord:


    Time Zone:

    UTC +1


    German & English
  3. Discord:


    Time Zone:

    UTC +8


    Chinese, English & Japanese

Previous Work

World Wide Tour Guide
450+ haatons from 46 countries
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Collaborators wanted
Let's support Haachama together!
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